A Newsletter For The Serious Reef Keeping and Saltwater Fish
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for both
beginners and experts alike! |
From the Desk of Eric V. Van Der Hope
Sunday, September 11th, 2005 - 9:26 p.m. (PST)
Re: Volume 2, Issue #5
By subscription only! Welcome to your issue of "Reef
Keeping Basics -
The eZine/Blog" - A Newsletter For The
Serious Reef Keeping
Saltwater Fish Hobbyist.
You are receiving this eZine/Blog because
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This is a 100% opt-in list. If you no longer wish to remain on
unsubscribe directions are at the very bottom
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for the current
None at this time! |
- IN
==> 1 - Editor's Recommendation -
None at this time
==> 2 - In This Issue
==> 3 - Comments from the Editor
==> 4 - Feature Article - by
Eric V. Van Der Hope
==> 5 - This Month's
'Quick' Tip -
Keeping a Journal
==> 6 - Ask Us
==> 7 - Disclaimer
==> 8
- Privacy Policy
==> 9
- Contact Information
==> 10 - Subscribe and Unsubscribe
How are you?
I am doing well and trying not to allow my 'normal' work
dictate what I'd like to do most, spend time time
"tinkering" with
our 'hobby'!
It's been a while since I last published my newsletter - so
I've made
an extra effort to organize my time to research
a topic you'd be
interested in.
I assume you are extremely busy, yet interested in learning
about saltwater fish & reef keeping . . .
So - the September Issue of my newsletter is currently
online and can be accessed at any time.
In September's Issue, I'll be answering a question asked by
of my members at the RKB's Forum -
"What's causing my coraline algae from disappearing?"
- What's light got to do with it?
- Does strontium have a bearing on growth?
- Could changing your 'brand' of salt have an effect
- And what about calcium, magnesium and alkanity?
You can read this and more in my latest column.
This issue must be read on-line while connected to the
I invite you to check it out.
Here's my newsletter:
Here's my blog:

I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Happy Reefing! 
Eric V. Van Der Hope
Publisher | Author | Editor
Reef Keeping
Saltwater Fish Pets
Note: Use your REFRESH button on your browser if it
as though the information is not up-to-date! |
What Causes Coraline Algae To Disappear?
by Eric V. Van Der Hope
Copyright © 2005 ReefKeepingBasics.com
The disappearing of coraline algae can be attributed to several
. . .
Here are some of these factors which will be explained in more detail
this article:
Water, Magnesium, Calcium, alkalinity, lighting, strontium, salt, kalk-wasser and
a variety of other things.
The first thing that's conjured up in one's mind when they hear of algae is the
undesirable kind! The stuff that 'takes over' our tanks!
However, coraline algae or macroalgae, is an attractive yet delicate
species that
is very useful in dissolving organic wastes within the tank and is also
part of food
for a variety of little critters.
This form of algae is a very desirable and provides an important
part of your
tank environment.
There are many types of algae - some good - some bad. They all have
functions within the closed tank environment as they do in the enormous
of the earth.
The simplest way I've grown to appreciate algae is that it's an
excellent indicator
of how 'sound' your mini ocean environment is doing.
For the most part, there are just a few simple elements that can contribute
to good
algae - your water, the artificial light that functions as a substitute
for the sun and
the nutrients within your tank.
The coralline algae is an encrusting, colorful display of reddish purple
material on
the various rock introduced into the tank. It provides a very
eye-pleasing display
that is a natural occurrence in the real ocean and provides the same
kind of benefits
such as being an excellent food source for a variety of fish and
There are however, other elements that can contribute to the growth or
of this beneficial algae.
It's important to make sure that the water, magnesium, calcium and alkinity are
all in check within the tank system. If tank parameters do not meet up
to less than
ideal conditions, the chances that the coralline algae will decline
increases which
could also result in certain species that are undesirable within the
tank system.
Your lighting has an effect on the growth of your coraline algae. Too
much light can
be a hindrance and actually promote other undesirable species. The lack
of light
could substantially prevent further growth of the coraline algae. As
this can be a
source of food for some inhabitants of the tank - a noticeable
disappearance of this
algae will occur.
Strontium levels within the system is also important. There should be
traces of it
in your tank. Strontium can be found as an additive in a variety of
things - most
important - in salt mixtures. Oceanic salt appears to not have Strontium
in it and
as a result, individuals have seen a major difference when they switched
to a brand
that has Strontium as an ingredient.
Dosing the tank environment with kalkwasser can help the stability of
your system
but if not maintained at adequate or stable levels, will affect the
growth of the
coralline algae.
A good way of introducing coralline algae into the tank is through the
of premium live rock which 99% of the time will have a good amount of coraline
algae. Different types of coralline algae will be introduced as a
variety of colors will
be evident. The algae will appear in shades of pink, dark purple, red,
green and
the like.
If the tank environment can be kept in a stable condition, then the
chances of
preventing coralline algae from disappearing will increase.
Here's a 'wrap-up' of what should be carefully monitored by the
1. Maintain as stable an environment as you can making sure levels of
calcium, strontium, alkinity, kalkwasser and other trace elements do not
2. Adequate lighting - it has to be balanced, of high quality and should
be "on" for
the right amount of time.
3. Introduce healthy 'live' rock that has good coralline growth. This
will encourage
further growth of this beneficial algae.
4. Maintain a balanced yet adequate nutrient levels within the tank.
Getting the right
balance and being moderate will be the key to success.
Something that can often be neglected is the abundance of 'algae
eaters'. Keeping
these fish and invertebrate in check will limit the disappearance of the coraline algae
as well.
Algae can have a proper place within the tank environment. It depends on
how well
balanced the tank environment is. As a result, this will ultimately
determine the
aquarist's success within this hobby.
Eric V. Van Der Hope is the Publisher and Author of "Reef Keeping
Basics - the eZine/Blog" - A Newsletter For The Serious
Reef Keeping & Saltwater Fish Hobbyist. Would You Like to Discover
Exactly How to Build A Perfect Aquatic Life Environment For Your
Marine Fish Pets - Without Having to Do It the Hard Way!? Then
sign up to his complimentary newsletter valued at $47. For further information visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
MONTH'S 'QUICK' TIP - Keeping a Journal |
If you've done the proper research and
constantly read books to enrich
your knowledge of reef keeping, than it may
come as no surprise to you
that maintaining a journal is an important
part of the hobby!
If you haven't started keeping your own
notes/journal/diary, than you
should! I cannot express how valuable a tip
this could be for you!

It doesn't have to be extremely detailed or
fancy, just some quick notes
on some of the important aspects of
maintaining your tank setup.
What should you include?
Well, there are few details to name just a
few, but It's up to you how
detailed you'd like to be. There is no wrong
way of doing this and the
more you provide, the better off you'll be.
1. Record changes in water parameters such
as the nitrites, nitrates,
ammonia, phosphates, calcium, etc.
2. Observations that seem unusual.
3. Water changes.
4. Record your actions and what you feel the
results will be and then
what actually happens!
5. Additions to your tank such as fish,
corals, invertebrates, etc. and
more important any loss of your tankmates.
6. Temperature fluctuations and observations
to these changes.
7. How often you change the skimmer, does it
have any bearing on
how often and when you are feeding.
8. Record how long your lights are adequate
for beneficial life within
your tank.
9. How often do you have to 'top off' your
tank, add additives or attend
to other regular duties.
I could go on - however, I'm sure you get
the point!

6 - ASK US |
Do you have any questions
about fish keeping? Contact me and I will do
my best to help you.
Send your email to:
Eric V. Van Der Hope
Publisher and Editor of the popular eZine/Blog:
'Reef Keeping Basics - The eZine/Blog'
Questions or Comments, send your feedback to address below:
10 - SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE Information
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Subscribe to Eric's Free Newsletter, "Reef Keeping
Basics - the eZine/Blog", simply visit his
website at:
http://www.reefkeepingbasics.com, and
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