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You'll save an enormous amount of time by
learning the correct techniques others have used
in the past to maintain their display tanks.
Don't reinvent the wheel - learn from those who
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of searching the internet for the right advice?
Tired of finding links that lead you to dead
ends! You'll get up-to-date information on where
to find the advice that gets great results! |

Have you purchased an
from a LFS and learn later that you didn't need
it? Discover what you should expect prior to
getting mislead! |
Tired of that dreaded
algae on the inside of your tank walls? Find out
what can prevent this and how you can keep it in
check! |
Learn what to look for
prior to purchasing your favorite fish, corals
and inverts and what you should avoid at all
costs prior to getting them! |
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where like minded individuals want to learn more
about this hobby. |
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Reef Keeping
Insider's Guide to Practical Reef Keeping For Both
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